Refrigeration is the withdrawl of heat from a substance or space so that temperature lower than that of the natural surroundings is achieved.
Refrigeration may be produced by
- thermoelectric means
- vapor compression systems
- expansion of compressed gases
- throttling or unrestrained expansion of gases.

Vapor compression systems are employed in most refrigeration systems. Here, cooling is accomplished by evaporation of a liquid refrigerant under reduced pressure and temperature. The fluid enters the compressors at state 1 where the temperature is elevated by mechanical compression (state 2). The vapor condenses at this pressure, and the resultant heat is dissipated to the surrounding. The high pressure liquid (state 3) then passes through an expansion valve through which the fluid pressure is lowered. The low-pressure fluid enters the evaporator at state 4 where it evaporates by absorbing heat from the refrigerated space, and reenters the compressor. The whole cycle is repeated.